Announcements for December 14/15, 2024
Thank you to our Worship Assistants & Readers this weekend: Kristi & Rich Alley, A C & Mell’O’Dee Gaber, Mick Shanahan, Micah Swenson. Volunteers are always needed—see the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
Flowers this weekend are donated by Lisa Mathe, in honor of Mom’s heavenly birthday.
All are invited to Sunday’s Special Fellowship where we welcome Audrey Jane Tavasci into our church family following her baptism.
Happy Birthday to Yona Ash on Dec. 16th and Kim Densmore on Dec. 17th, Barb Piotrowski on Dec. 22nd, Everett Hoedl on Dec. 27th, Paul Graham and Russ Haslow, both on Dec. 30th.
May you all be blessed with a happy birthday!
Happy Anniversary to Russ & Judy Haslow on Dec. 14th and Kip and Laura Stransky on Dec. 16th. May your love grow with each passing year!
Advent Mid-Week Meditation on Wednesday, Noon-2pm.Come and sit a while and reflect on what this Christmas season means to you.
There will be a Blue Christmas Worship on Friday at the usual 4:30pm time. If you are feeling a little less than cheery this season in spite of the decorations, holiday music and parties, this service will have a special meaning for you.
A BIG SHOUTOUT to the whole SOJ congregation for the over-the-top participation that made WELCA’s Taste of Christmas a resounding success on Saturday, Dec. 7th. Events like this show-case the generosity of talents and time that truly humble us and make us grateful beyond measure.
THANK YOU everyone for the generous offering of $565.00 on Noisy Sunday! These funds are sent to WELCA headquarters in Chicago and used to support ministries in WELCA at the local and inter-national levels.
2025 envelopes are here for those that use them. Please pick up your box in the narthex.
The Annual Christmas Day Potluck with Bingo will again be held this year following the Christmas Day service. Please contact the In-Reach/Outreach Team if you can prepare a turkey. The menu will be turkey and ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, breads and desserts. There will be signup sheets in the narthex and fellowship hall. Please bring wrapped bingo prizes and invite your relatives, friends and neighbors. Look for events calendars in the narthex to take to everyone.
Devotionals for the 1st Quarter of 2025 are now available in the narthex.
Take home a flier from the narthex and let your friends and neighbors know about our upcoming ac-tivities and Christmas services.
Last week’s attendance: Saturday 12/7 & Sunday 12/8 = 93.