Announcements for March 9, 2025
Thank you to our Worship Assistants & Readers this weekend: Tom & Glena Atkins, Kellie Sanders, Micah Swenson, Bill Taylor. Volunteers are always needed—see the sign-up sheet in the narthex.
Fellowship treats today are provided by the Joyful Crafters.
Flowers this weekend are provided by Pat Ruese in honor of her birthday.
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Lombardi on March 10th, Anita Swenson on March 11th, Sherri Zwetzig on
March 12th, Micah Swenson on March 13th, Kylie Densmore & Kellie Sanders, both on March 15th, Pat Ruese on March 16th, Jennifer Musil on March 22nd. May you be blessed with good health in the coming year!
The Finance Team will meet on Tuesday at 4:30pm in the Conference Room.
Lenten Mid-Week Worship is on Wednesday at 5pm with Holden Evening prayer followed by a Soup Supper in the Fellowship Hall. See the sign-up sheets in the narthex and hall if you would like to donate soup, crackers or bread.
All men are invited to attend the Men’s Group Meeting on Thursday at 8am at Red Rooster Café.
WELCA will have their monthly meeting on Thursday at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.
New Member Gathering—If you are interested in becoming a member of SOJ, there will be an Inquiry Meeting on Thursday, March 13th at 6:3pm in the Conference Room. Please let Pr. Conrad or the office know if you plan on attending—or just show up!
Time to Spring Clean! WELCA is having their Spring Rummage Sale on Saturday, March 29th, 8am2pm. This is the perfect time to clean out your closets and garage! Tables will be supplied by SOJ. Members will be asked for a donation to SOJ while non-members pay $10 per table.
Next Sunday is our Celtic Sunday Worship. Join us afterwards for fellowship and a corned beef and cabbage dinner. There is still time to sign up for side dishes and desserts—see the sign-up sheets in the narthex and Fellowship Hall. Our In/Outreach Team is asking that the congregation support our youth. The meal offering taken at the St. Patrick’s
celebration will be given to a fund to provide activities that encourage youth to be more active at Spirit of Joy. See the posters around campus created by former youth Kylie Densmore.
Last week’s attendance: Saturday 3/2 & Sunday 3/3 = 62.
We will continue collecting items for Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission at Rock Point (NELM) until next Sunday, March 16th. This collection is part of our 30th Anniversary Celebration. See the list of needed items in the newsletter. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
* Please support this NELM collection AND the Lenten 40-40-40 challenge for water needs. To donate for clean water, open the following link: HTTPs://
There will be an interesting thank you NELM video during Faith in Motion next Sunday.